Wednesday, June 21, 2006


History we make

I just woke up with the thought that what history we making and in a numbers of years ahead what it would read as.

When I read my history in school I remember the periods of reign where there were praises of what people did, how society prospered and what beautiful monuments they built. But was pondering what our future generations will be reading about us.

1990- 2010 (India)

People claimed to be very intelligent, most of them worked on computers or something related to that and were catering to needs all over the world. They built houses which were reaching up to the sky, taking away all the greenery and making concrete jungles. They cut green old trees, and never planted back again for us.

They did not build any great monuments they had some constructions of flyovers which took them decades to build them and they didn’t look great or did they have great value. They broke down some old beautiful structures and build some sad looking big buildings on them. And they were the ones who polluted the cities and encroached agricultural land.

I don’t want to go into politics, I guess its would be the Civics or some other subject to study by choice, it’s not History if that is included here we might have the entire text book for it.

Is this the History we are creating?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


This year has been year of travel for me. I went to Maldives in the month of March, it was an amazing experience seeing the coral and the aqua life and the different shades of blue water. After that it’s been the most memorable and never forgetting travel of my lifetime, till date. I have been to 7 places (London, Northwich, Scotland, Chicago, LA, New York and New Jersey) in 3 weeks and 2 continents. Though I was traveling for work, I made the maximum out of it by trying to squeeze all my weekends to see new places. The favorite among them is Scotland --> its so beautiful with such history and eeriness. And the amazing fun I ever had is in LA at the Universal Studios and the California Adventures -Disney Land. And I did get to see Grand Canyon from the flight, did see it when the sun was going down and it was amazing orange haze, tick marked it for the places seen ;-) ‘I did see it from above not necessary it should be seen at the ground level'. Everyplace I went, I had people back from home or friends there who told me about must sees, things to do and took care of me. I felt at home and didn’t feel any difference when changing time zones. It only hit me hard when I landed back in India and didn’t know what time to sleep and was feeling drowsy all the time. If I could do 7 places in 3 weeks, I think I can cover the world soon... hmmm...